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Skribentens bildAmanda Borneke

Amanda Borneke elected to join the RegenerationWeek

The Leadership Program in Circular Economy will be educating 30 young participants, and I happen to be one of them! Here is short information about the programme and what my obligations are.

Amanda Borneke. Pitcure taken by: Johanna Löfgren

A new leadership programme has been created by ReGeneration 2030 and The Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption with support from The Nordic Council of Ministers . The Leadership Program aims at uniting young people across the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions to learn about circular economy and empower youth to take action.

"it's a true honor being selected and I will do my best to hightlight the importance of acting fast to handle the climate crisis. The climate cannot wait" - Amanda Borneke

The leadership programme is divided into four blocks: sustainable lifestyle, entrepreneurship, political advocacyand systems thinking. For each block, experts and moderators are invited to present information on the topic and aid discussion and workshops among the participants. The result of the four blocks will foster the creation of a range of smart, creative, concrete, implementable or in other ways outstanding ideas, due to a deeper understanding and ability to make use of the information and skills taught through the blocks. The blocks encourage and facilitate participants to lead change in the field of circular economy, through new skills, ideas and connections and with ReGeneration 2030 as a supporting structure in further work.

Full scholarship and trip to Åland

The participants are also invited to be attendees at ReGeneration Week 2021 on the Åland Islands at the end of August. ReGeneration Week is a high-level meeting platform for decision makers and youth to discuss sustainability matters in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Region. The leadership program is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Becoming a circulent

The term “circulent” was coined by The Swedish Association for Responsible Consumption (Medveten Konsumtion) who will have an integral part in the educational and inspirational sessions during the distance course. The term points out that we have to reshape and reinvent the model of consumption which will push businesses to change their models too. We are not only consumers - we are #circulents.

Guest speakers

Some of the speakers are Elin Bergman, Chief Operating Officer at Cradlenet, Tim Forslund, Circular economy expert at SITRA, Hanna Törmänen, Innovation adviser at Nordic Innovation, Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO of We Don’t Have Time, Ionut Iordachescu, CTO at Ringy and Carl Schlyter, Campaign Manager at Greenpeace Sweden.

About the author

Amanda Borneke is Sweden’s personal trainer in sustainability and well-known for her climate work. Amanda mainly works in the construction industry worth the aim to transform societies. Her career goal is to help decrase Sweden’s climate emissions in total. She is currently hired by the acknowledged consultant company Sweco.

Thank you for reading this article!

Please follow me on social media under @amandaborneke

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